
Is It Better to Rent or Own Your Home?

Is It Better to Rent or Own Your Home?

It depends. Ah, the age-old question: to buy or not to buy? People for generations have agonized over whether to buy a house for themselves or to rent somewhere. There is no universal right or wrong answer. However, there is very likely a right answer for you...

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Are Credit Cards Bad?

Are Credit Cards Bad?

Not always. But they can be. Some people think credit cards are evil and no one should ever think of using one. And some think credit cards are like magic and they get in financial trouble because of it. Regardless of which side you land on, let’s take a closer look...

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Trouble Sticking to a Budget?

Trouble Sticking to a Budget?

Try this. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like you’re spending too much money. We all have, from time to time. People enjoy spending money - there are actually measurable biological responses to swiping your card, ranging from elation and celebration to guilt and...

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The Basics of Personal Finance

The Basics of Personal Finance

You’ve undoubtedly heard of the term “personal finance”. The term sounds fancy and kind of intimidating, right? It can be confusing to figure out what exactly is involved in "personal finance", how it’s related to a financial plan, and what the key components are....

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