
Okay, You’re Ready To Invest… Now What?

Okay, You’re Ready To Invest… Now What?

The mechanics of actually making an investment. Okay, so you got a great investment recommendation (probably from Firreo) and you’re all excited to go do it. But then you realize, “I have no idea how to actually make an investment.” Don’t worry, we got you. You’re...

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What the Heck is the Stock Market?

What the Heck is the Stock Market?

Clearing up the confusion. People use the term “stock market” all the time, praising it when their investments are doing well and blaming it when things go wrong. But what actually is the stock market? Is it some mystical place where people yell “buy!” and “sell!” at...

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Should I Invest in Crypto?

Should I Invest in Crypto?

The short answer: probably not. Crypto is perhaps the most hotly contested term in modern finance. At its most basic level, crypto is a digital form of currency (i.e. money). Then we add a bunch of nerdy jargon to it, blockchain and cryptography and other things that...

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Is Real Estate Investing for Me?

Is Real Estate Investing for Me?

Let’s be real about real estate. You probably know someone that has invested in real estate, and if you’re curious about it yourself, we’re here to help you learn a bit more. There are numerous ways to invest in real estate, all of which are distinct in their own...

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Investor Risk Tolerance

Investor Risk Tolerance

Why it’s important for you. Yet another extravagant term that gets tossed around in the financial world is "risk tolerance". Fancy words don’t impress us much and we prefer to use more relatable language here at Firreo. Let’s dig into what the pretentious Wall Street...

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I-bonds Can Be a Great Investment

I-bonds Can Be a Great Investment

… but only at the right time. What if we told you there’s an investment where you get a guaranteed return on your money with zero risk? If you said “no way, that’s fake”, great job on your skepticism. But it turns out this is a rare exception and actually a real...

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A Universe of Investment Possibilities

A Universe of Investment Possibilities

… and risks. Not gonna lie: the amount of investment options out there today is totally overwhelming. Figuring out where you should invest, how much, if the timing is right, who can help you, all of this can be a daunting task. In this article, we’re going to...

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